Children's Books

Pipiolo and The Roof Dogs
Written by Brian Meunier
Paintings by Perky Edgerton

Masterful storytelling and gorgeous paintings of the beautiful heroine and her beloved dog, Pipiolo, hallmark the debut of a talented new husband and wife team. Lupe and Pipiolo cannot imagine what life must be like for the roof dogs- the guard dog set out on the small, hot concrete roofs of their town in Mexico. Pipiolo, a rascal and a deep thinker, orchestrates their escape withan act of daring and bravura that makes him the savior of the roof dogs. The rich yet piquant narration will hold young audiences rapt. The vivid paintings, glowing with warm desert colors, bring the heroic Pipiolo to life in broad swaths and tender details. Readers will revel in this inspired tale of "Tierra y Libertad!"

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Junior Library Guild Selection



Bravo, Tavo
Written by Brian Meunier
Paintings by Perky Edgerton

There's more than basketball to this charming story set in Mexico. Young Gustavo (Tavo) lives to play the game, even though he has a hard time in his falling-apart sneakers. When his father enlists his help in revitalizing the old irrigation ditches during a summer of drought, Tavo sadly has little time to play. The hard work of ditch digging, however, does bring water from the mountains to the parched fields, and salvages both the corn crop and his father's reputation. Tavo loses his shoes, now in pieces, in the swiftly flowing water, effectively ending his basketball playing. However, a kind deed to an old woman we never see (a bruja—witch—perhaps?) results in the recovery of the shoes, now refurbished and infused with mysterious energy. Gloriously quilted (a future fashion trend?), the dazzling shoes and the muscle Tavo has acquired digging the ditches give his basketball game new power. The colorful, impressionistic illustrations are full of movement and feeling. Bravo, Tavo, indeed. (Picture book 5-8) KIRKUS REVIEWS

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